Where Camera & Photographer
Become One

Unique club organized in 1930 and believed to be the oldest camera club in Colorado

Discover the Joy of Capturing the World Photographically

A variety of camera-related activities for every photo enthusiast

Photography Related Activities and Competitions

Share & Improve Your Photographic Skills in an Enjoyable Social Setting


We are a member of the Photographic Society of America
and participate in many national programs & events

The mission of the club is to aid and benefit, by mutual cooperation, those interested in photography.

The Pikes Peak Camera Club is believed to be the oldest camera club in Colorado, meeting continuously each month, for 90 years. Our unique club is the only camera club in Colorado Springs, providing competition in projected digital images and prints. The club has been a member of PSA for over 60 years, and is believed to be the oldest member of the Photographic Society of America in Colorado. We compete with top ranking camera clubs across the country and internationally.

We have Camera Events for all ages



Monthly Meeting: Second Wednesday of Each Month

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month, January through December. Competitions for projected digital images and prints are held ten months of the year. The annual club Salon Competition is held in December.


Competitions: Monthly Competitions in Multiple Categories

At each month’s competition a Guest Judge critiques member image in three categories: subject, open, and creative, and gives Awards & Honorable Mentions to best images.


Other Activities: Photo Tours, Seminars & Lectures

Presentations are held at monthly meetings. Recent presentations included "Ansel Adams Retrospective (Part 1 & 2)" by Bill Rose and "AddAMan - One Hundred Years" by Dan Stuart. A recent Club Tour was to The Florissant Fossile Beds & Hornbek Homestead.

Recent Award Winning Images

Latest News



Monthly Meeting

Competition Subject: "Collector’s Treasures"

7pm - Living Hope Church (6pm - Fundamentals Session/Social Hour)



Photo Tour/Event

Pikes Peak Sunrise/Early Opening

5:30am - Pikes Peak Highway Toll Gate (Reservation required)



Monthly Meeting

Annual Salon Competition

7pm - Living Hope Church (6pm - Fundamentals Session/Social Hour)